In certain locations traditional crash cushions do not work. In such cases maybe one of our specialized crash cushions can fit. Our specialized crash cushions are designed for speed class 50 km/h.
Product category: Crash cushions
Special crash cushions%3$s>
Parallel crash cushions%3$s>
By admin
All our crash cushions are crash tested according to EN 1317–3 and CE-marked according to EN 1317–5. Our crash cushions with parallel sides are offered in four different lengths depending on speed class. Crash cushions in speed class 80–110 are offered in two widths.
Tapered crash cushions%3$s>
By admin
All our crash cushions are crash tested according to EN 1317–3 and CE-marked according to EN 1317–5. Our tapered crash cushions are offered in three different lengths depending on speed class. For each speed class there are three different taper angles/widths.
Combined crash cushions%3$s>
By admin
All our crash cushions are crash tested according to EN 1317–3 and CE-marked according to EN 1317–5. Our combined crash cushions have one side parallel to the center axis and the other one tapered. They are offered in three different lengths depending on speed class. For each speed class there are three different taper angles/widths.