A double-sided sustainability for your safety and our climate.
We describe our approach to the environment in the NRS Code of Conduct.
We believe that our greatest contribution to sustainability is our efforts to create products that require less steel than competing products in similar capacity classes. Our approach is set out in the documents NRS SF bro — The sustainable choice for economy and environment och Environmental assessment of steel and steel structures.
To achieve this, we are investing significant resources in product development. We are the only company in the Nordic region with our own equipment for crash testing of railing systems and our own resources for computer simulations.

Sweden's climate goals
Emissions in 2030 should be 70% lower than emissions in 1990.
CO2 = 0
By 2045, Sweden will have no net emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This means that emissions from Swedish sources will be close to zero.
Quality, environment and sustainability
The choice of a lighter railing meets several of the Swedish Transport Agency's 2020 climate targets:
– 20 percent more efficient energy use
– 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, compared to 1990
1 mile of SF H2 High bridge railing compared to the equivalent railing provides:
– CO2 reduction equivalent to 57 vehicles’ annual emissions, i.e. -200 tonnes of CO2
– Reduced environmental savings (CO2e) of 16%